- please reach us by email: cupcakematernitee@gmail.com or maricka1305@gmail.com or sms: 0812-9950492. let us now what cupcake tee you choose to buy, the quantity, your size, name, address, & contact number.
- we will check the tee availability (size and color) and email or sms you back for confirmation.
- transfer to BCA Matraman a/c no. 3422626422 (Maria Joice)
- please inform us back after you've transferred.
- we will send you your cupcake tee right after we receive your payment.
terms & condition:
1. we will deliver your cupcake tee by tiki. free delivery charges for greater jakarta.
2. every purchased item could not be switched nor returned.
3. please allow some time for the tee to be delivered to your home. we are trying to provide the quickest service for you.